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Implementing digital transformation initiatives for your business is essential for success. But with technological advancements dominating the business world, it’s important to assess the digital additions within your company to discover if they are achieving the expected outcome.

As a business leader, you may wonder where to start. Here, we explore five ways to improve digital experiences in the workplace.

Provide Training on Digital Tools

There are plenty of ways digital additions can fit into your company, and there can be many purposes. One benefit of digital transformation is making your employees’ working processes quicker, whether it be through upgrading devices or the installation of software. With technology constantly changing, workers often have to adapt to new tools. It can be tricky for employees to familiarize themselves with new concepts that they haven’t used before.

Therefore, it’s important to provide regular training for employees. Not only will it make the transition easier for them, but tasks that require new technology can be completed at a quicker pace and to a higher standard. Digital signage can be used to great effect in staff training, as it can not only provide valuable information but also offers a sense of belonging.

Keep up to Date With Digital Trends

The COVID-19 pandemic placed emphasis on the necessity for digital implementations in the workplace, with many businesses making adaptations in a time of need. But the demand remains, with the digital transformation market expected to reach $490 billion in 2025 compared to $300 billion this year.

Therefore, the future holds many opportunities to incorporate technology into your business, so it’s essential to set time within your company to research current trends and the uses of new technology. Conducting research will allow you to gain insight into the benefits of various digital tools and assess which will be the right fit for you. And with many businesses also looking to improve digital experiences, keeping up to date with trends and new tools helps you stay competitive.

Avoid Leaving Your Remote Employees Behind

Despite being the only solution for non-essential workers during the pandemic, working from home has remained, even as lockdown restrictions have eased. This was made possible due to the implementation of technology during the lockdown. Now, remote work has been successfully incorporated into traditional working life, with businesses finding a balance between the two.

Remote work offers businesses the opportunity to hire people who aren’t local. So you may have just as many employees working from home as you do in the office. It’s important to regularly check in with these employees and ensure that their digital tools are up to scratch, as this is much more important to them than it is for employees working in the office. Ensuring that software and devices are up to date is a necessity in order for them to continue to complete their work to a high standard. Additionally, planning regular video calls reassures them that they are appreciated in the company, and offers an opportunity to keep them connected.

Leave Room for Personalization

Of course, digital additions will benefit everyone in the workplace. But it isn’t one size fits all, which is why an understanding of various technologies is beneficial.

Investing in one tool may offer a huge advantage to one specific employee within your company, but it may be of no use to another – so plan ways to personalize digital tools for each role. For something broader, such as artificial intelligence, digital additions may be able to help many people within the workplace. But offering personalization ensures that the digital implementations are improving your employees’ digital experience, as well as making your investments worth the time and money.

Measure the Progress of Your Digital Additions

Progress monitoring is a vital part of digital transformation. You may have integrated a new technology that is the perfect fit for your company, but it is necessary to monitor how successful it is within the workplace.

This can be done by comparing the data of your new and improved process with your previous routine, or even through requesting customer reviews and feedback from employees. By gathering results frequently, you can measure the success of the digital enhancements within your business and gain insight into whether you need any extra technological tools or upgrades. Additionally, businesses that track their goals are twice as likely to hit all their goals within a year – so it’s a crucial step to improve digitally.

In recent years, we have learned to rely on technology more and more. It’s a vital aspect of the business world and is transforming businesses, allowing them to become fast-paced and adaptable. Deploying solutions such as IPTV distribution to remote users and employees working from home enables them to access live and on-demand IPTV content, which can help them in their working day. Equally, remote collaboration tools will help them keep in touch with colleagues. It’s important to understand why you’re implementing different technologies and the benefits your employees or customers will see as a result.